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Ulmus parvifolia ‘Todd’

Plant name: Chinese elm

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: This tree is medium-sized and semi-deciduous with pendulous (weeping) branches in an oval-shaped canopy. This tree’s bark is flaky and comes in colours of greys and browns. In autumn, the foliage will turn yellow, only falling in late winter.

Origin: China.

Cultural notes: Full sun is preferred. Water in well when planting and keep moist until established. Pruning when the tree is young is recommended to establish a good branch structure.

Tolerates: Tolerates periods of wetness. Will tolerate sandy and salty conditions found in coastal areas.

Flowering type and season: This tree has small inconspicuous flowers through spring that produce samara fruit, a small winged seed.

Foliage type and colour: Small green leaves with a glossy surface and a slightly serrated edge. These turn shades of yellow through autumn, then falling in late winter.

Soil type: Well-draining, moist soil is preferred. Will tolerate most soil types.

Width: Up to 9m

Height: Up to 11m

Recommended uses: Perfect for parkland, wider streetscapes and larger garden spaces.