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Zelkova serrata

Plant name: Japanese keaki tree

Plant type: Advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: This is a medium-sized deciduous tree with a widespread canopy. The leaves are narrow and heart-shaped. Foliage will turn yellow to bright red through autumn, making it quite a feature.

Origin: Japan.

Cultural notes: Prefers full sun to part shade. Water in well when planting. Keep soil moist as the tree becomes established, then it will require little water. This tree has a deep root system, be sure to give it proper root space.

Tolerates: Tolerant of drought once established.

Flowering type and season: Insignificant.

Foliage type and colour: Foliage is green until autumn when it turns beautiful colours of yellows and red before falling.

Soil type: Well-draining, moist soil is preferred. Prefers soils rich in humus.

Width: Up to 18m

Height: Up to 13m

Recommended uses: A perfect feature tree and shade creator due to its very wide canopy. Great for parklands.