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Acer buergerianum

Plant name: Trident maple

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: A small deciduous tree that grows to a maximum of 6 metres and has a rounded canopy. Foliage is tri-lobbed and small in size. This tree’s bark is flaky and greyish-brown.

Origin: China and Japan.

Cultural notes: Quick growing, easily grown in medium moisture. Keep out of hot winds. Grows best in full sun

Tolerates: Some drought.

Flowering season: Spring.

Flower type and colour: Green-white paper flowers, often unnoticed.

Foliage type and colour: Young foliage is red and tri-lobbed. Mature trees produce bronzy-red leaves in spring which turn dark green in summer. Autumn foliage turns yellow and orange to red.

Soil type: Humus soil rich in organic matter is preferred. Likes well-draining soil.

Width: Up to 6m

Height: Up to 6m

Recommended uses: This tree works well in gardens and parks, ornamental, streetscapes and avenues.