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Correa reflexa

Plant name: Native fuchsia

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW, QLD, VIC, TAS, SA.

Cultural notes: Very hardy, prefers well-drained soils in full sun or part shade. The low growing coastal forms are often more attractive with a tidier appearance than the upright forms.

Maintenance: Can be pruned to maintain shape.

Tolerates: Drought, frost and salt tolerant.

Flowering season: Winter.

Flower colour: Variable Flower colour: from greenish-yellow to deep crimson.

Foliage colour: Leaves are dark green in colour and vary from rough-surfaced and hairy to smooth with short hairs on the underside.

Width: Up to 2m

Height: Up to 1.8m

Recommended uses: Uses vary depending on form.

Description: The most widespread of the Correas, and the most variable. Form can be open and upright to low and spreading, bell shaped flowers can be greenish yellow to deep red, leaves can be rough and hairy or smooth.