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Quercus palustris freefall ‘early defoliating form’

Plant name: Pin oak early defoliating form

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: This is a large deciduous oak. This tree is very similar to the regular palustris, though loses its leave much earlier in the season. This tree grows in a conical shape with the upper branches often ascending, the middle and lower branches spreading horizontally. Foliage is deep green turning shades of red and bronze through autumn.

Origin: Southern Canada.

Cultural notes: Full sun preferred. This tree grows best with medium water but is adaptable to a range of environmental conditions, both wet and dry.

Tolerates: Will tolerate periods of drought. It is tolerant of pollution.

Flowering type and season: Flowers are small and significant clusters called catkins that appear in late spring. Males are a Grey-green colour and females are yellow-tan green. This is followed by acorns. These attract local wildlife.

Foliage type and colour: Foliage is a dark green colour with a shiny coat. The leaf has pointy lobes to its shape. Leaves will turn bronze scarlet colours through autumn. The foliage of This tree will fall early in the season.

Soil type: Well-draining soil preferred. Prefers pH levels toward the acidic side.

Width: Up to 20m

Height: Up to 30m

Recommended uses: Due to its size, this tree is great for parklands, streetscapes and avenues.